Psoriasis: treatment at home

Psoriasis is so severe and unknown disease that to this day are still unable to establish the true causes of its development. Scientists around the world tirelessly working to clarify the mechanism of the disease. But despite the joint efforts of physicians and scientists, pathology refers to an incurable disease and predisposing factors influencing the appearance on the body of the ill-fated lesions remain to be elucidated. Well-known historical fact is the statement of Winston Churchill that he will put a monument to the man who would be able to clarify the reasons for the development of the disease and to find effective method of treatment of psoriasis. As you know, a politician he suffered from rashes on the skin.

In the following article we will try to figure out how to treat psoriasis at home and what methods are most suitable.

Psoriasis and its features

Today about psoriasis we can say the following: illness refers to the chronic inflammatory processes non-infectious nature. That is due to the appearance of spots on the body is not a viral or bacterial infection, and a slightly different nature. The pathology is very varied and always depend on the type of disease and individual characteristics of the human body.

To get psoriasis from a person's household, or any other way. The disease belongs to autoimmune diseases and can not be transmitted by close contact. However, the hereditary factor plays a very important role. According to medical statistics, the child whose parents suffer from ailments, is very high probability of developing the disease. And the risk increases if the rash both parents suffer from.



  1. Progress stage.
  2. Stationary phase.
  3. Regress.

Almost all types of disease accompanied by the appearance on various parts of the body plaques and papules, which are very itchy and peel. For almost all forms of disease is characterized by the so-called "psoriatic triad". Call the following symptoms:

  1. The emergence of stearic spots. So characterize the appearance on the skin spots ranging in size from a few millimeters to several centimeters. The spot may not be round or oval in shape and have on their surface a whitish or grayish scales. Layer of dead skin is easily removed and looks like stearin.
  2. The terminal film. If you scrape off the scales on the skin of the patient is very thin pink film. The skin in this place is very delicate and easily subjected to mechanical damage.
  3. Bloody dew. After the removal of terminal films on the surface of the dermis are small blood droplets. They are located mainly around the perimeter of the connection to healthy skin and the boundaries of the spots.

The exceptions are such diseases as pustular and guttate psoriasis. In pustular type of disease the body appears a kind of bubbles filled with a transparent liquid. After releasing content on the skin are red spots with bright red or pink shade. When guttate psoriasis is characterized peeling may not occur at all, or it is expressed in very weak form.

The causes of pathology

In simple terms, psoriasis is a kind of abnormal response of the immune system of the body to external and internal stimuli. Causes of illness can be as serious metabolic disturbances in the body, and normal allergic reaction. To predict the occurrence of the disease is impossible. The most probable reasons include the following factors:

  • various allergic reactions;
  • wet and cold climate;
  • frequent infectious disease;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • stress and mental disorders;
  • pathology of the endocrine system;
  • taking certain medicines;
  • mechanical and chemical effects on the skin.

In the presence of contributing pathology factors, there is rapid division of cells in the dermis. Immature cells die, forming the cornified layers of the skin. In these places begins to develop an intense inflammatory process, as the immune system perceives this process as alien.

All theories of the origin of the disease to date agree that psoriasis belongs to non-communicable, autoimmune disorders, to cure which is impossible.

Principles of treatment of psoriasis at home

Often people with psoriasis, people wonder how to cure psoriasis permanently at home? Unfortunately, cure is not possible even with the most expensive and intensive treatment. In most cases, the disease returns. Remission is replaced by a relapse and Vice versa. However, the treatment of psoriasis at home is possible, and often it aims to get rid of acute symptoms and cleanse the human skin from the plaques and papules. The basic principle of home therapy to control over the disease and avoiding complications of the disease.

Home treatment of psoriasis is the use of drugs in various forms of release, as well as traditional medicine. Medications can be of the following types:

  • means for external applications – ointments, creams, lotions, shampoos;
  • the drugs consumed inside a variety of drugs as well as tinctures, decoctions;
  • lotions, masks and compresses;
  • bathrooms with herbs;
  • sun and air baths.

All types of treatment is aimed at relief of the patient, cleansing and restore the skin.

What to consider when treating at home

To treat psoriasis at home should be very careful. Throughout the therapy before the course of medication should consult with a specialist. Also, to achieve the desired results should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Strictly follow the instructions of your medication.
  2. In milder forms of the disease can be limited to ointments and some medicinal plants. If the disease occurs in more severe forms, is unlikely to avoid treatment of such serious drugs, such as corticosteroids.
  3. Be sure to use moisturizers. This will help to preserve the natural moisture of the skin.
  4. Remove crust only after they soften. This should be done very carefully so as not to damage the skin.
  5. Taking sun or air baths must strictly adhere to the prescribed instructions.
  6. No need to apply a few ointments at the same time. This would not increase the treatment effect, and might cause side effects.
  7. After a course of treatment requires a break. The more serious the drug, the longer should be the interval between his next appointment.
  8. It is very important to follow a diet and routine. You also need to give up bad habits. Even the most effective treatment can be rendered useless in the absence of preventive measures.

The use of ointments and creams

Effective treatment of psoriasis at home is done using tools designed for outdoor application. In most cases, these drugs are prescribed by a doctor, since medications often have many side effects and if used improperly can cause significant damage to the body. After diagnosis and prescriptions to continue the treatment of psoriasis at home. The remainder of this article will examine the group of medications which are often prescribed for the disease.

on my knees


Hormone treatment is prescribed mainly in severe psoriasis. These drugs are able to exert a quick effect, but in most cases a short-term result. Besides forbidden prolonged use of hormonal drugs on the basis, as they can cause serious damage to some internal organs. For example, liver, kidney, heart. Another major drawback of such tools is that their use often leads to the development of psoriatic arthritis. Most ointments can be divided into the following groups:

  1. On the basis of triamcinolone. Drugs have anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory properties. They are well relieve itching and swelling.
  2. On the basis of flumethasone, acetonide, fluocinalone. Has expressed antiexudative, antipruritic, antiallergic properties.
  3. On the basis of hydrocortisone. Contribute to the regeneration and recovery of the dermis. Pathologically slows down rapid skin cell division.
  4. The ointment with betamethasone. Funds in this group perfectly relieve inflammation, eliminate itching and swelling.

Non-hormonal means

Treatment of psoriasis at home are most often with hormonal ointments. The main advantage of these funds is a minimum of side effects and lack of effect of habituation. The effect of these medicines less rapid than that of funds on a hormonal basis, however, the effect of treatment longer. The main groups of drugs are the following:

  1. Salicylic and zinc ointment.
  2. Ointment on the basis of tar. Anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, anti-allergic action.
  3. Cream with vitamin D. These drugs have a positive effect on dermis cells, relieve itching and irritation, nourish and regenerate.
  4. Vitamin vehicles. Their composition is a lot of necessary elements, such as zinc, magnesium, potassium, copper, iron and others.
  5. Drugs containing grease. Data medications well-adjusted metabolic processes, reduce inflammation, eliminate itching and swelling.

Drugs intended for domestic reception

Methods of psoriasis treatment at home also involve the use of tools for internal ingestion. Treatment at home must necessarily include the reception antihistamines and sedatives.

All funds must be appointed on the basis of current pathology and the individual patient. Psoriasis and its treatment at home requires a careful approach and lack of elementary rules can lead to complications and significant deterioration of the patient's condition.

Treatment at home with activated carbon

One of the main reasons for the development of psoriasis is a violation of metabolic processes. In result, skin is subject to change. So one of the ways of treatment of this disease is the use of drugs inside. Activated charcoal has an absorbent effect on the body, removes harmful substances, helps normalize metabolism. This drug is often used for the treatment of psoriasis. There are such methods of use of activated charcoal against this dermatological disease:

  1. To consume the tablets 2 times a day. The amount should be calculated based on body weight – 1 tablet per 10 kg. the Duration of such exposure shall be 1 month.
  2. Grind pills to the consistency of powder, their amount as calculated in accordance with the weight. Pour 1 Cup of water make the resulting solution, 2 times a day 2 hours before eating. A course of such therapy should be about 40 days.
  3. 3 hours before the meal should drink 1 tablet. Take 3 pieces a day.

The choice of the scheme of administration of activated charcoal depends on the degree of lesions of the skin.

The use of innovative means

How to treat psoriasis at home? Often home use non-traditional methods of treatment of psoriasis. These include tools such as therapy with mud and clay. These methods are relatively safe, however, sometimes gives the most unexpected results.

Works very well with the mud extracted from the lake Sivash. To purchase such a tool at the pharmacy. To use enough to heat up the mud and apply an even layer to the affected areas of the skin. The mask leave on for 1-1 .5 hours until dry. The mud is removed with warm water.

You can also use white clay. It has a healing effect on the dermis, dries and relieves inflammation and itching.

drawing tools