How to cure psoriasis fast

How to cure psoriasis fast

Undoubtedly, psoriasis is one of the most difficult of skin diseases. Pathology is autoimmune in nature and the periods of remission often give way to relapse. To cure the disease completely impossible. Therapy against the disease is always directed at eliminating the symptoms of the disease and facilitate overall well-being of the patient.

Many patients wonder how to cure psoriasis fast at home?

In this article we will try to find out by what methods it is possible to cope with the disease for a short period of time without hurting your health.

What is psoriasis?

Today, there are many theories suggesting possible causes of the disease. However, despite many years of research this disease and failed to develop a clear idea of its nature and figure out the exact cause of its occurrence. Psoriasis manifests itself on the human body mainly in the form of red or pink rashes of different size. The disease has the following characteristics:

  • rash in the form of plaques, towering above the surface of healthy skin;
  • redness of the skin;
  • strong exfoliation of the dermis;
  • drying skin, cracking and bleeding.
Rashes may appear on different parts of the body. Most of the plaques are on the elbows, knees, palms, soles, scalp and in the groin area and underarms. In addition to manifestations on the skin, psoriasis has such a severe form as psoriatic arthritis. This pathology involves lesions of joints and ligaments of the person. Mostly afflicts the fingers, rarely the hip joints and the spine.

What could cause the illness?

Until now, theories about the origin of this pathology is not officially endorsed, there are only the suggestion of a possible provoking factors of the disease. These include:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • violation of metabolic processes in the body;
  • diseases of the organs of the endocrine system and hormonal imbalance of a patient;
  • injury and damage to the skin;
  • bad habits;
  • improper diet;
  • taking certain medicines;
  • infectious disease.
That could trigger the disease

These are just some of the reasons that can cause the disease, some patients the psoriasis develops due to prolonged exposure to the sun, or, on the contrary, due to hypothermia. Also cause outbreak of rashes on the body some people have can products allergens such as chocolate, coffee, citrus and others.

Recommendations for treatment at home

Wondering about how to get rid of psoriasis, each patient should remember and follow rules of home treatment. Such events include:

  1. To clearly observe the time of appointment and dose of medication prescribed by your doctor. If the treatment is performed only folk remedies, you must strictly adhere to the recipe.
  2. To ensure the moisture of the skin need to use special creams and lotions. This will help avoid excessive drying out and injuries in the affected areas.
  3. Remove the crusts must be carefully and only after steaming. Carry out the procedure with clean hands without touching the skin where the scales had not yet fallen.
  4. If your doctor has prescribed sunbathing or tanning, you must strictly adhere to the schedule and duration of procedures.
  5. Do not use multiple drugs. In case of allergic reactions, or positive effect, you will not be able to determine which one of the funds affected.
  6. With the improvement should not stop therapy, failure to refusal of medications may aggravate the situation.
Recommendations for treatment at home

In addition, it is very important to stick to a diet. Nutrition is one of the important aspects of the treatment of disease. Adherence to proper nutrition will not only speed up the healing process, but also have a positive impact on all internal organs and systems.

Psoriasis treatment medications

Many patients eating find the answer to the question about how to quickly get rid of the psoriasis with creams, ready to give a lot of money, just to get rid of nasty plaques and papules on his body. Unfortunately, the miracle drug of today is not invented. Moreover, each medication can have different effects on one or the other of the patient. In medical practice to use ointments, which have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, decongestant, analgesic effect. All drugs be on hormonal and non-hormonal means. In milder forms, the professionals use the ointment with a light action. More severe forms of disease require treatment with hormones.

Non-hormonal means

These drugs the doctors prescribe the means for external applications with mild effect. Their advantage is the lack of side effects, however the disadvantage is that the effect of the use comes a quite a long time.

Method of application is to apply on clean skin 2-3 times a day. The dose needs to pick up the doctor. Self-treatment using non-hormonal means even all the same could provoke undesirable consequences if used incorrectly.


A feature of the hormonal drugs is their effectiveness and fast action. However, it is very important that the drug was administered exclusively by the specialist. The fact that hormones can cause a number of side effects and systemic complications. Improper use, overdose or untimely withdrawal of the drug can cause a lot of undesirable consequences.


The effect of the drug begins after a few applications. Patients report eliminate itching, redness, as well as a significant reduction of the inflammatory process.

Products with vitamin D

For quick recovery and healing of the dermis, it is very important to include in complex therapy of vitamins. They help to establish the metabolic processes in the skin, improve tissue regeneration, to saturate the cells with valuable nutrients.

Effective recipes of folk medicine

In addition to drugs, is quite popular nowadays is the use of folk methods of treatment. It is a variety of tools based on natural products. Supporters of the national treatment claim that this type of therapy is not inferior to drug, and sometimes surpasses it. In addition, traditional medicine is more accessible and safe.

The below article will look at how you can quickly cure psoriasis with natural products and herbs.

The use of the Golden mustache

This plant is widely used in folk medicine. In psoriasis, the Golden mustache also gives excellent results. For the treatment the plant is well pulverized, and the resulting mixture is wrapped in gauze and apply as a compress on the affected area for 20-30 minutes. You can also use this method with the defeat of psoriasis of the scalp.

Birch ash and vaseline

For preparing this medicine need to burn a few twigs of birch to ash and mix it with a tablespoon of vaseline. The mixture is evenly applied to plaque throughout the body. The treatment lasts until the complete purification of the skin from rashes.

The infusion of sunflower

To prepare you need to take a few young plants baskets, grind, and then pour in the white wine. Means insist 10-12 days in a cool place. After the tool has to be filtered, and the resulting infusion to lubricate the plaque.

Effective recipes of folk medicine

Blue clay

Very well established agent based on clay. For this purpose 100 g of the product mixed with one tablespoon of castor oil and sea buckthorn oil. The resulting solution is applied to the plaque for 15-25 minutes. Repeat the procedure for 10-14 days.

Treatment onion

Effective against psoriatic lesions is the juice of white onion. This vegetable is well ground and squeeze out the juice from it. They liberally smeared plaque, gently rubbing the product in the place of defeat. Most patients report significant improvement after a few sessions.

To get rid of psoriasis quickly possible observing the rules of treatment and strictly adhering to a healthy lifestyle. Avoiding harmful habits, diet, and timely treatment to a specialist will help you to cure psoriasis for a long time.