Photo of psoriasis on the hands, fingers, and nails. The symptoms and signs.

In this article we will talk about one of the most problematic forms of the disease, where lesions are localized on the hands (wrists, palms, fingers, elbows). Although it is not a contagious disease, the lesions look extremely unattractive. So as to hide them is difficult, people often begin to lead a private life.

In this article you can see what it looks like psoriasis on hands, learn about the most common causes of the disease, the treatment and prevent recurrence. Though this disease and severe to get rid of it!

Psoriasis on hands

psoriasis on hands

Usually the first specific plaques appear on the palms and creases of the elbows. The specific causes of their occurrence, doctors and researchers have not identified. You need to understand that psoriasis on the fingers (photo) and the legs, head and other parts of the body is not contagious and is not transmitted through shaking hands or personal items. However, this does not mean that treatment should not be rushed, as it is fraught with serious complications.

Psoriasis at an early stage in the hands of hard not to notice.

The occurrence of the disease is accompanied by a rather striking symptoms. Usually on the palms and between the fingers a single red spots. In appearance the rash is similar to conventional Allergy, so patients rarely turn at this stage to the dermatologist and wait for the problem to go away on its own.

With the development of psoriasis spots covered with white scales and begin to dry. It was then manifest the characteristic signs of the disease. In further defeat, not so much peel and stop growing. However, they look very unappealing, which is why many people experiencing severe psychological difficulties.

In adults, itchy red spots on elbows, fingers, hands and palms may resemble ringworm or fungus. The main difference of psoriasis from such diseases clear boundary spots. Other diseases such noticeable fringing defeats have not.

It is also worth noting that when the disease affects the fingers, then in most cases also affects the nails. The result of the nail plate to deform and delaminate at the edges. Psoriasis toes swell, which is often accompanied by pain in the joints. Similar is the development of the disease in children.

Psoriasis on hands initial stage

Initially psoriatic lesions appear as small, smooth spots of round shape. One of the main differences is their shape. So begins the initial stage of psoriasis on the hands, the causes of which are different.

After a few days of the rash covered with bright scales. They peel and fall off easily. Then the disease progresses, the rash increases in size and occupies more and more space.

Psoriasis on the fingers the initial stage in the majority of patients starts in the folds between the toes, which is the most suitable environment for disease.

In General, the initial stage is characterized by three main features:

  • there is a red spot;
  • papules covered with shiny tape;
  • appear on it drops of blood.

In addition, at the initial stage of psoriasis, patients will complain of swelling of joints, redness and inflammation in the area near the nail. With the development of the disease the papules stop growing, and the peeling decreases.

How does psoriasis on the hands and its symptoms you can see on the submitted photos. But it is not necessary to independently put a diagnosis, as there is a probability that you can confuse it with other skin diseases.

Signs of psoriasis on hands

Usually signs of psoriasis in women on hands is most clearly manifested on the palms. Men in this region, the disease is rarely seen. This form of psoriasis to treat the most difficult because your palms are constantly in contact with detergents and other human subjects.

First, the skin dries and starts to crack. Lesions on the hands can plump, resembling corn in appearance. Psoriasis the initial stage to the photo can be confused with other diseases, such as eczema or athlete's foot. Therefore, doctors perform a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis.

Symptoms of the disease differ depending on the localization of inflammation. We'll talk more about each of them.


In this form of the disease first starts psoriasis between fingers (see photo). The skin is scaly and inflamed. Often the symptoms worsen with the arrival of cold weather (autumn, winter). Without treatment, the problem can lead to serious consequences.


Such form of psoriasis suffering a quarter of the patients. On symptoms it is similar with the defeat of the fingers. The problem areas covered with a red crust, in appearance similar to corn. The spot itches and also brings all sorts of inconveniences.


As we have said, this is one of the most painful forms of psoriasis because the affected skin is very itchy. Due to the severe itching, patients often can not sleep, can cause neurosis. Small spots usually appear on the side of the palms. Then papules coalesce into large itchy patches.


This type of psoriasis is also considered one of the most difficult. It affects the joints of the hands between knuckle and then moves to other joints. During the initial stage of the disease may not manifest itself on the skin, although the patient can already aching.

Psoriasis on hands in children

In most cases psoriasis is in the hands of a child is more likely to occur if one or both parents are predisposed to allergies and skin diseases. This tendency is genetically transmitted and may not manifest itself until it will not provoke a factor. The exact causes that trigger the development of disease, nobody knows.

It hereditary theory of the origin of psoriasis in children supported by the majority of doctors. It is believed that if one parent suffered from a skin disease, the probability is the same problem the child will be 25 percent. If the psoriasis tend both parents, then the chances of getting the child has reached 75 percent.

Among provoking factors include stress, strep infection, alcohol abuse, drugs.

Psoriasis often combined with systemic diseases, including metabolic syndrome, diabetes type II, coronary heart disease, arterial hypertension, pathology of the hepatobiliary system.

Whatever the cause of psoriasis, we can say one thing: this disease is of superficial skin lesions. She suggests that the body of hidden underlying problems with internal organs.

If your family members suffered from skin diseases, especially psoriasis, you need to strictly follow the regime and the nutrition of the child, to strengthen his immune system and maintain a healthy lifestyle. This would prevent the manifestation of the disease.

Psoriasis development in the hands of a child:

The initial stage

First psoriatic plaque in young children in many cases are mistaken for the more common diathesis or Allergy. Usually the youngest children in the first place, there is a small reddening. Rash pimples resemble a round red or pinkish. Within a few days the rash remains smooth, after which it formed a silvery flaky scales.

Progressive stage

This stage is characterized by the increase and confluence of spots. Peeling continues only in the middle spots, they grow at the edges. The spots turn red, itchy and inflamed. This stage can last for two weeks or longer (up to several months). She then goes into a stage of regression where the spots stop growing and gradually fade.

The disease can also affect the nails. As the nail plate in children more sensitive than adults, in addition to the essential medicines they prescribe painkillers.

Attention! Many parents of children suffering from psoriasis, horrified by the fact that it is chronic and quite painful the disease can manifest throughout life. In this situation the doctor should explain that if you follow a healthy routine, eat right, use the special makeup and to avoid stress, the disease may not emerge. Moreover, in many cases, psoriasis can be treated at home.

Symptoms of psoriasis on hands

the symptoms of psoriasis

Symptoms of psoriasis on the hands is accompanied by constant itching, which helps to manage proper treatment. If the patient is scratching at the rash on his skin you can notice the many wounds. Typically, these wounds heal much faster in children than in adults.

The main symptoms of psoriasis on hands:

  • the skin becomes red and dry;
  • the affected area swells and thickens;
  • psoriatic lesions burst;
  • individual spots coalesce, may appear in new places;
  • flaking usually increases in winter;
  • if left untreated, the fingers swollen and covered with thickened and painful plaques;
  • nails quickly damaged, change color (become yellowish or brown), crack and covered with spots.

Treatment of psoriasis on hands and nails

Treatment of psoriasis on the hands and its symptoms, it is considered complicated. Even in periods of remission of the stain may remain visible, although reduced in size. For best effect, doctors use a holistic approach. This takes into account many parameters: type of illness, patient age, other pathology, etc. To confirm the diagnosis using a biopsy.

In the treatment of psoriasis, the following methods and means:

  • creams that help to soften and heal skin, and sometimes reduce itching;
  • antihistamines, which fight against swelling and itching;
  • medicine for liver support and recovery of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • drugs to strengthen the immune system;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • analgesics (if the sore nails or joints).

In the absence of contraindications, the patient may prescribe physical therapy. The beneficial effect shown by a hand massage using healing creams and ointments, which increases blood circulation. However, before using such tools it is best to consult with your doctor. It will eliminate the likelihood of side effects and to check for possible contraindications.