Vitamins for psoriasis : what to drink, ointments, creams

Since the vitamins are directly involved in metabolic processes, that their full presence in the body is necessary. For this reason, vitamins for psoriasis administered in combination with a common treatment: this approach allows us to better combat the disease.

vitamins for psoriasis

Indications vitamins for psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic disease, so taking vitamins for psoriasis is not just possible but also very necessary. Useful vitamin ingredients will help to strengthen skin layers and skin appendages, as well as improve metabolism, which is disturbed in the process of pathology.

Vitamins for psoriasis bring about changes in biochemical reactions, which take place inside the body. To accept them it is necessary not chaotic, but strictly according to the prescription of a doctor as improper or excessive use of such drugs may worsen the disease.

In mild psoriasis can be enough of those vitamins that enter the body with food. If the doctor considers it necessary, appoint a complex or individual vitamin preparations.

So what vitamins to drink for psoriasis?

All the vitamins, recommended for use in psoriasis can be divided into two categories:

  1. Vitamins from a number of fat-soluble, which include lecithin, retinol (Vit. A), tocopherol (Vit. E), cholecalciferol (Vit. D).
  2. Vitamins from a number of water-soluble vitamins C. B, vitamin C, folic acid.

Release form

  • The most convenient and common form of vitamins for psoriasis patients are considered to be tablets. They are simple and easy to make and the shelf life is usually the longest.
  • A convenient alternative to tablets are capsule – usually in capsules made of fat-soluble vitamins.
  • The powdered form – not less convenient, but rarely used form of vitamin preparations.
  • Solutions for oral and injectable use: available in ampoules and vials, sometimes together with the solvent.

The names of the main vitamins for psoriasis

Vitamins for psoriasis is prescribed according to different therapeutic schemes. In severe cases, possibly injecting drugs in the relatively light – oral. The standard treatment course lasts less than a month: in this case, in addition to vitamins in capsules, tablets or injections should observe the fortified diet.

Vitamin D for psoriasis will have a real benefit, as it has such properties:

  • accelerates the healing of tissues affected by psoriasis;
  • improves calcium and phosphorus metabolism;
  • improves the absorption of microelements;
  • in combination with other vitamins strengthens the immune system.

Patients can take vitamin D for psoriasis inside or be used as external ointments.

Vitamin D is synthesized inside the body under the influence of ultraviolet irradiation. In addition, this material contains:

  • in milk, butter;
  • in marine fish;
  • oats;
  • in vegetable oils;
  • in egg yolks.
  • B vitamins for psoriasis appoint a doctor, as the dosage of such vitamins is difficult to determine.
    • Vitamin B1 helps to adjust metabolic reactions, to establish the function of the nervous system, activate the endocrine processes, and the health of brain cells. Vitamin B1 can be obtained products. Quite a lot of it has meat, liver, nuts and seeds, cereals.
    • Vitamin B2 psoriasis not only stimulates metabolism, but also helps the tissues to become repaired and renewed. Usually vitamin B2 is administered intramuscularly, however, a large quantity can also be obtained from foods: mushrooms, white meat, cheese and hard cheeses.
    • Vitamin B6 psoriasis especially helpful. His basic ability is the stimulation of lipid and amino acid metabolic processes, activation of hormone synthesis and improving the quality of hemoglobin, recovery of nerve cells. In addition, vitamin B6 removes from circulation the excess of cholesterol. Vitamin can be used in the form of intramuscular injections, as well as with food: nuts, fish, white meat.
    • Vitamin B12 for psoriasis performs several important functions: helps the flow of blood-forming processes, stabilizes the nervous system, improves liver function. Usually, vitamin B12 injection is prescribed in combination with calcium gluconate. Additional nutrients can be obtained from meat products and liver or fish.
  • Vitamin E for psoriasis is simply irreplaceable:
    • it is considered a natural antioxidant;
    • improves oxygen supply to the tissues;
    • accelerates the regeneration of the skin.

Standard intake of vitamin E – orally, 300-400 IU. It is recommended to combine with vitamins E and A.

Extra vitamin E can come from food: nuts, berries, dried fruits, vegetable oils, fish, cereals.

Ointments with vitamin D for psoriasis

Are very common external medications vitamins. They are applied directly to areas affected by psoriasis.

Such drugs include ointments with vitamin D, presented the active ingredient a synthetic analogue of natural vitamin D3. These creams inhibit the proliferation of keratinocytes and accelerates their morphological differentiation, and this property is considered fundamental in the treatment of psoriasis.

The exchange of calcium calcipotriol has a significantly smaller impact, in contrast to vitamin D3. Ointments applied to the skin morning and night. The effect is detected at 10-12 days of treatment.

Ointments with vitamin D is not compatible on the same skin area with the products which include salicylic acid.

Vitamin a for psoriasis of the nails outwardly

Vitamin a can be used not only inside but also externally – in the form of applications or creams that boosts his favor several times. Because of its molecular weight vitamin a can well to penetrate to the underlying epidermal layers, which contributes to the rapid restoration of tissue.

Retinol is included in many cosmetic and medicinal creams and ointments. This vitamin substance replenishes collagen supplies in the skin and promotes its regeneration.

Vitamin a in oil solution can be bought in an ordinary pharmacy. Application with vitamin psoriasis applied regularly for 1-2 months, with a further break of 2-3 months. Such a treatment allows to achieve excellent results: nails are cleansed, the skin is tightened and smoothed.

Consistently practice external application of vitamin A is not an overabundance of substances harmful to the body and can even cause an allergic reaction.



Vitamin a complex combination of nutrients can provide the entire needs of a person suffering from psoriasis. Vitamins for psoriasis have a direct positive impact on the processes of tissue metabolism, and enhance the overall and local immunity.

Retinol (V. A) improves fat metabolism and reaction cross-body fat oxidation as well as potentiates the metabolism of substances, which participate in the structuring of epithelial tissue.

Vitamins B-group eliminate the signs of inflammation and degeneration of tissues, increase blood circulation, stabilize the function of neurons and the overall acid-base balance, take part in all metabolic processes.

Ascorbic acid is the active participant of oxidation and reduction biological processes. Vitamin C directly affects collagen production and the formation of a cell structure, the amount of hemoglobin in the blood, as red blood cells, the biological synthesis of catecholamines. Ascorbic acid inactivates the negative effects of free radicals, protects cell membranes from the harmful effects of cross-oxidation processes.

Tocopherol – vitamin to maintain youthful skin and appendages regain tissue elasticity and hydration.


Metabolic transformation of retinol in the liver, then the substance is released into the serum. Transportation is due to the globulin, warning filtration of the drug by the kidneys.

Thiamin (V. B1) is absorbed in the 12-duodenum and small intestine. Tissue distribution is good. .

Ascorbic acid is absorbed in the intestinal canal. Absorbed vitamin is transported by the plasma and accumulates in the glandular tissues. The level of ascorbic acid in the tissues and blood cells is many times greater than the level of drug in the serum.

The use of vitamins for psoriasis during pregnancy

Pregnant women should beware, as lack of vitamins in the body, and its overabundance. Both, may negatively affect the foetus and the health of the future baby.

To take regular vitamins during pregnancy is not recommended – is that the doctor will insist on their reception. As a rule, for pregnant and lactating patients are special vitamin preparations, dosages which are selected according to physiological period.

Taking any vitamins for psoriasis during pregnancy, including permitted, must be agreed with the doctor.


Vitamins for psoriasis is not recommended to take:

  • when a high probability of developing an Allergy to vitamin drug;
  • in severe lesions of liver and kidneys;
  • when diagnosed the hypervitaminosis of vitamins within a multivitamin complex.

Side effects of vitamins for psoriasis

In cases of individual hypersensitivity may develop allergic reactions to vitamins. This reaction is manifested as:

  • skin rashes;
  • redness of the skin;
  • swelling of the skin;
  • enhance itching.

If there is any of the following symptoms then taking vitamins should be discontinued and consult the doctor.

It is sometimes possible staining of urine in an intense yellow – this is normal and does not require the abolition of the vitamins.

Method of application and doses

Usually, vitamins for psoriasis take immediately after meals or 10-15 minutes after. The dosage is determined depending on the specific drug and the average is 2 tablets (pills) daily.

Duration of therapeutic course of vitamins for psoriasis is determined by a doctor and is on average 1-2 months. The daily amount of the drug may be increased, or reduced, on the recommendation of the attending physician.


Cases of overdose with vitamins for psoriasis is not registered. Allowed the development of dyspeptic symptoms as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain and pain in the head, lethargy, drowsiness. In this case, stop taking the drug and start symptomatic treatment.

Interaction with other drugs

Ascorbic acid, part of vitamin for psoriasis, may increase the effect and side effects of antibacterial sulfonamides.

Other drug interactions vitamin remedies prescribed for psoriasis, was observed.

Storage conditions

Vitamins can be store at ordinary room temperature in a dark place, with limited access children.

Shelf life

The shelf life of most vitamins – 1-2 years. This information should be specified on the packaging to the specific complex.

Vitamins for psoriasis you cannot apply at the expiration of the retention period.