Psoriasis at the initial stage

Periods of remission under the influence of unfavorable factors (violation of diet, hypothermia, stress) are replaced by exacerbations, difficult to treat. Manifestations of the disease can haunt a person throughout life. Therefore, it is important to know what symptoms manifests itself psoriasis at the initial stage of development, as from the timely detection of the problem will depend on the effectiveness and success of the treatment.

Psoriasis at the initial stage of causes of disease

One of the main causes of psoriasis think genetic predisposition. The probability that concerned parents will give their child the disease, is very high. Besides, there are a number of factors that can trigger the occurrence of psoriasis:

  • Dysfunction of the immune system
  • Infectious disease
  • Endocrine disorders (dysfunction of the thyroid, diabetes)
  • A stressful situation
  • The predisposition to allergies
  • Long-term use of drugs

Typical places of localization of the rash in psoriasis are the arms, elbows, torso, part of the head. But sometimes the dermatitis affects the surface of the limbs, groin area and underarms. Considering the causes of the disease, experts are divided the disease into two main types:

  • Psoriasis of the first type. Occurs in children and adolescents on the background of genetic predisposition. Transfer of psoriasis hereditary can happen in 3-4 generations. More than 60% of patients with psoriasis have relatives suffering from this disease.
  • Psoriasis is the second type. Appears in people over 40 years. In this case, the occurrence of the disease is not due to heredity or a malfunctioning immune system. Patients primarily affects the joints and nails.

How does psoriasis at the initial stage(the symptoms)?

primary psoriasis

The clinical picture of the initial stage of the disease is characterized by sudden onset and the appearance of lesions on the surface of the hands, feet, elbows, torso, scalp.The initial stage of psoriasis in children is sometimes mistaken for Allergy. Rashes in toddlers can appear in atypical areas or in those areas of the body that are subjected to friction and wear. This is the insidiousness of the disease, because the correct and timely diagnosis will depend on the further course of treatment.

The primary element of the rash is a papule (pimple) reddish-pink color round shape with clear boundaries. They tend to merge and form plaques of different shapes and sizes. Plaques covered with gray plates, which are easily separated. In the area of the rash the skin is usually inflamed and swollen. The rash may be accompanied by severe itching.

Damage to the papules appear distinctive signs bearing the name psoriaticheskoj triad, and allow you to confidently diagnose the disease.

  1. The phenomenon stearinovogo spots. If the damage to the plaque, its surface becomes white, the scales covering education peel, and it becomes like a crushed drop of stearin.
  2. The phenomenon of thermal film. Further damage to the papules and removal of scales, there is a shiny red surface.
  3. The phenomenon of blood dew. If you continue to scrape the plaque, on the surface serve small droplets of blood, indicating bleeding.

In some cases, the initial stage of psoriasis can be complicated ehkssudativnymi phenomena. The flakes absorb exudate (seroznuyu liquid) and turns into a rough crust. If this crust to remove, under it remain moist areas of skin. Such phenomena threat the opportunity of joining a secondary bacterial infection. With the progression of the disease plaque can grow to large sizes and to capture large areas on the patient's body.

The initial stage of psoriasis (acute stage) may last for several weeks. Its duration largely depends on General health, body resistance, treatment tactics.

Localization of the disease on the hands

Localization of the disease on the hands

One of the most severe forms of psoriasis artropaticheskaya that affects the hands, the skin between the fingers, hand, palm.Psoriasis at the initial stage hands begins with the appearance of a rash, confluent in red dry spots. Over time, the lesions grow, they appear gray scales. The skin on the palms and fingers thickened, inflamed and cracked. The disease can strike and deform the joints of the upper and lower extremities, leading to swelling, pain, difficulty of movement. As a result of developing psoriatic arthritis, a threatening loss of capacity and disability.

Psoriasis on the hands gives the patient a lot of psychological and physical problems and is quite difficult to treat. In some cases, it develops nail psoriasis, in which the patient is detachment of the nail plate, up to its complete loss. Outwardly, this form of the disease resembles a fungal infection.

Psoriasis on the palms the skin is inflamed, thickened, its upper layer becomes rough and eventually covered with painful cracks. The lesions appear as round or oval plaques of bright red color, with light plates, which are easily separated. Such inflammation are clearly visible on the background of healthy skin and deliver the sick man of considerable psychological discomfort, as they cannot be hidden under clothing.

Your skin looks irritated, rough and dry. Appear formation, similar to corn, banded rim, they can be joined together to form rather large areas of the lesion. If untreated, inflamed skin may burst, forming painful cracks. All these symptoms significantly reduce the quality of life of the patient and give him many painful minutes.

Psoriasis on elbows

Psoriasis on elbows

The most frequent site of lesions are the elbows. Psoriasis at the initial stage on elbows is characterized by the appearance of isolated lesions of various diameters, which tend to further growth. Over time, the lesions coalesce, forming large plaques and capturing a large surface. Plaques covered silvery scales, which are easily separated.

Psoriasis is characterized by wavelike nature of the flow in which periods of remission followed by periods of exacerbation. The relapse usually happens in the winter time. During a lull inflamed elements on the elbows become less noticeable, poorly painted and even may disappear completely. In their place remain discolored areas of the skin.

Psoriasis on the elbows is often a form of common (vulgar) psoriasis, characterized by raised above the skin plaques of red, with rounded forms and clear boundaries. Thus the tendency to adhesion of platelets and formation of large red spots covered with grey plates.

In some cases, the elbow psoriasis is observed in the exudative form. It is characterized by the appearance of extensive inflamed areas with scaling and exudation wounds. Flakes absorb exudate and on the surface of the plaques formed a rough crust. The General condition of the patient deteriorates, the accession of secondary infection, the appearance of chills, temperature, itching and burning of the skin.

Psoriasis on the head

Psoriasis on the head

Psoriasis of the scalp is quite common. The nature of the disease can be easy characterized by small pockets and heavy, covering the whole scalp and even beyond the hairline. In this case, the lesions located on the forehead, neck, the ears (see photo).

Psoriasis initial stages on the head is accompanied by severe itching and irritation. Brushing patient plaque, while there is abundant exfoliation of scales, dandruff is formed. Permanent damage leads to the appearance on the skin in small abrasions and cracks, which easily can penetrate the infection.

With the progression of the process appear plaque large size, coarse and thickened skin. The scales also increase in size and separated in the form of white flakes. There has been a further increase of the painful itching, the skin loses its elasticity and is easily damaged by scratching.

Further progression of the disease leads to inflamed areas appear gray scales, which completely cover all the skin under the hair. The lack of timely treatment leads to a further spread of the process and the defeat of the skin beyond the hairline.

If early in the disease plaques and they are a little pale, as if erased, then the progression of the disease the rash grows, the plaques increase in size, become bright, and merge with each other psoriasis on your head the hair does not fall even in the case of extensive lesions and severe disease.